Dear World,
I dropped off the face of the planet for the last two years,
completely overwhelmed.
I hope to reconnect through the blogosphere once again. The world has gone extremely nuts since the pandemic so let’s give a quick update, and then I hope to come back to regularly scheduled programming. <3
- Hubby and I marched in the BLM 2020 summer protest held locally (with masks on) and still stand in solidarity against systemic racism. Clearly, more work needs to be done, considering the f!@#$ racist mass shooting in Buffalo.
- I have marched in two protests relating to reproductive health rights for women, once because of the Texan (aka the Republic of Gilead) draconian law that they managed to pass, limiting abortions at six weeks (when most folks don’t even know they are pregnant) and also giving private citizens the right to sue anyone who is seeking or provides a legal and safe abortion for up to $10,000. (How about giving folks $10,000 worth of healthcare/prenatal/postnatal/early education support?) The second, a couple of days ago, in response to the US Supreme Court leaked draft opinion that looks to overturn Roe v. Wade and turn the clock back on 50 years of women’s legally protected constitutional right to healthcare. For more action on this, please see RiseUp4AbortoinRights. These initial protests are just the beginning. P.s. at our particular protest, there were folks who graduated high school in 1972, sharing very vivid memories of what they experienced before abortion was legal. And young women half my age taking on this battle, sharing their expressions of leadership and action—they inspired my heart! I’ve been protesting since the 1992 March on Washington, and 30+ years later, can’t believe I still have to protest for this $hizzle.
- Hubby contracted and recovered from COVID-19. TWICE. Miraculously, he was okay, and none of us caught it. He is fine, we are fine. (Wait, are we really fine?) While the US has surpassed the 1 million mark for COVID-19 deaths, I think maybe not. And our hearts are with the families and loved ones of those lost.
- I have been self-medicating with funny animal, cooking, and dancing Tiktok videos and am weirdly inspired by young people just a little bit older than my daughters, speaking out and sounding the alarm against climate change, systemic racism, and the draft opinion rolling back women’s rights.
- I broke my foot (healed) in a freak accident and am recovering from shoulder surgery (healing). While mobility is limited, I am able to resume work.
- Most importantly, the kids are all right, as best that can be expected, but more soon on the state of their access to their last living grandmother (due to their father’s fighting), which makes me sad. Learning to let go of the things that I can’t control, and coming to terms with supporting my girls. While I know what the ‘right’ thing is (support them in having regular visits with their grandma), I have to accept that my role is to remove the bind from them—they love grandma with all their hearts, but they also know they pay a price if they see her with me :(. The saddest of all of this is she is suffering from memory loss, and soon it will be too late. :(
- In spite of all this crazy nutso shizzle, it has not been all doom and gloom over here…life finds a way. I hope to share some of the amazing supportive resources that have helped me get through some of the hardest times in my life these past two years. Here is one: Oprah Winfrey’s Super Soul Sundays podcast. Specifically, her interviews with Dr. Brené Brown, about how being vulnerable is our greatest strength in finding courage to lift one another up in meaningful connection. <3 (There are four interviews with Oprah, two focusing on “Atlas of the Heart,” and two on “Daring Greatly”) And bonus resources: Dr. Brown’s HBO Max 5 episode series focusing on her research on Atlas of the Heart and her amazing site that links to her own podcasts. <3
- Keep on keeping on! Breath, survive. And thrive. <3
Love and hugs,
Jane Thrive
Jane, welcome back!! Big hugs! I am so happy to see you're writing again and online presence is back. I have missed you. Kudos to you for marching and protesting all of these important issues. I thank the lord I am Canadian, especially with what's coming down the Republican 'pipe'. I just cannot believe what is happening in the States and hope that they do not succeed in overturning R vs W. And so many other things happening in the world that are scary. Breathe, survive and thrive! Exactly.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much, Lisa!! I am glad to re-join the online world and also to be reconnected with you!! <3 I am so glad you are safe up there in Canada from the crazy shizzle that is happening down here. Much love and hugs to you!!! <3 <3 <3