Wednesday, May 24, 2017

A little love

Image credit here

Sometimes in the midst of personal problems and struggles, it’s nice to see some love in the world.

Like this small town in Georgia who embraces refugees.

Or recognizing that it’s okay to love who you love in a region of the world where it’s not always ok.

Or when a stranger rushes in to help people through a tragedy and suddenly he has a home.

Actually, searching for good news, led me here.

Today, I’m tiptoeing back to my sunnier side of myself.  Today, I’m looking for love and light and finding it.

Some days, it's okay to admit the healing is not there just yet.  Some days, it's okay to embrace the darkness and the sadness and the anxiety.  Some days, it's okay to take a deep breath and give yourself a hug.  Be gentle with you, keep striving, don't give up, even if you feel like it.  Those dark moments will pass.

My anxiety is a marathon.  I hit a ditch earlier this week, it’s true, not going to lie.  That damn little black hole is there.

But I’m looking forward to sharing time and my home with the girl scouts tonight, I’ve drafted two older sister scouts to help the little ones with their bridging ceremony, and then we all get to eat brownies that I baked last night, yum.  The non-crafty-mother that I am managed to make flowers out of pipe cleaners (which is kind of a miracle in it of itself) and decorated an exercise bench to make the bridge.  (For people who know me, this type of work is not in my comfort zone, so am hoping to pull this off, lol.)  I’m looking forward to sharing laughter with some moms, we’ve made it through another year of shepherding our girls along the daisy scout trail, and that’s kind of a big deal if we think about it.  I’m looking forward to going to sleep in my bed later knowing my daughters are tucked into their bunk beds in the next room, home and safe.  A little light and love in my home.


  1. Glad you're feeling better. Hugs.

    1. Thanks, Liv. The rollercoaster is for real.
      p.s. the bridging ceremony was so cute, makes my heart full to see the girls happy and filling up our house with laughter. <3

  2. This sounds wonderful, Jane. A milestone. Looking for light really can make a difference. And yes, this anxiety thing comes and goes.
